HUFFINGTON POST 07/07/15 By Michael Shank With the United States Department of Agriculture announcing meat substitutes in school lunches nationwide, replacing meat with equally protein-rich alternatives, we’re starting to witness a sea change in national dietary guidelines. And it’s about time. Our current approach to diets is unsustainable. Federally appointed […]
Tag: organic
Can TTIP Live up to its Promises?
ATLANTIC 05/09/14 By Neil Thompson The Friedrich-Ebert Foundation invited two opposing speakers to debate the merits of TTIP. An important point to come out of the argument was both agreed it should not be set in stone once signed. It is meant to be a living document, subject to a […]
Doing Away With Food Deserts in the District
WASHINGTON POST 05/17/13 By Michael Shank It’s hard to believe that so many in America — over 50 million people — live in food insecurity. This is the unfortunate reality all too common in Somalia or Pakistan, but America? What’s worse is that this food insecurity is most apparent in […]