THE CONVERSATION 09/23/15 By Michael Shank Cities are acting ambitiously on climate change and that has big implications for the rest of the planet. Urban officials last week attended the US-China Climate Leaders summit and announced a raft of carbon emissions targets, clean energy partnerships, and initiatives around transpacific climate […]
Tag: china
Confronting Homeland Security’s ‘SSSS’ Watch List
HUFFINGTON POST 05/21/15 By Michael Shank It’s official. The Department of Homeland Security has placed me on a travel watch list. Every time I travel abroad, I now have “SSSS”, which stands for Secondary Security Screen Selection, on my boarding documents. That means I get an extra rigorous full-body screening, […]
Obama Won’t Be Able to Repeat His China Climate Change Deal in India. Here’s the Next Best Thing.
THE WEEK 01/26/15 By Michael Shank and Sabina Dewan Urging Prime Minister Narendra Modi to commit to action on climate change ranks high on President Barack Obama’s list of priorities during his visit to India. The recent U.S.-China agreement sparked optimism on climate change cooperation between industrialized and developing countries. […]
We Can’t Let Climate Change Turn Droughts, Flash Floods and Mudslides into the New Normal
THE GUARDIAN 12/18/14 By Michael Shank and US Rep Mike Honda Holding out for winter rain or implementing short-term fixes won’t fix California’s water crisis. We need action on the state, federal and international level Between power outages, deluging rains, flash floods, mudslides and record droughts, California is quickly becoming […]
Climate Change is an Immediate Threat
DISCORS 12/09/14 By Michael Shank Before leaving office, President Barack Obama should seize every opportunity and lever at his disposal to propel the United States towards a more secure, sustainable future. America remains one of the top per-capita carbon emitters and unless we move aggressively we will miss our window […]
Jobs Index Shows Dismal Outlook for US Workers
ROLL CALL 10/23/14 By Michael Shank and US Rep Steve Cohen (D-TN) This month, the first-ever global ranking of countries based on the quantity — and quality — of their jobs was released. The JustJobs Index uses empirical data to provide workers around the world with a simple answer to […]
Why Hong Kong’s #OccupyCentral Used Nonviolent Action as Tactic
HUFFINGTON POST 09/30/14 By Michael Shank and Jamila Raqib The Occupy Movement has returned and is resurrecting itself in Hong Kong. But in this case, the “occupying” is not associating itself with the Occupy Wall Street of recent years. Instead, a new political initiative in Hong Kong – called Occupy […]
Don’t Let China Dominate
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 09/18/14 By Michael Shank, Elena Krieger and Julia Trezona Peek This month’s report on renewable energy markets from the International Energy Agency indicates that by 2020, China will account for almost 40 percent of the growth in renewable energy capacity. The United States, meanwhile, lags […]
Hong Kong’s ‘Occupy’
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 03/11/14 By Michael Shank and Jamila Raqib The Occupy Movement has returned and is resurrecting itself in Hong Kong. But in this case, the “occupying” is not associating itself with the Occupy Wall Street of recent years. Instead, a new political initiative in Hong Kong […]
Creating Just Jobs Around the World
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 10/31/13 By Michael Shank and Sabina Dewan One of the biggest drivers of inequality is a lack of jobs. But not just any jobs, just jobs, ones that come with appropriate wages, rights, protections such as healthcare and pensions and opportunities for economic mobility. As […]