Quotes in Press

Brandon Boosts Energy Planning Efforts

RUTLAND HERALD 05/18/18 By Susan Smallheer BRANDON – Faced with an increasing number of solar project proposals, the town is establishing an energy committee with the goal of better directing energy projects in the future. Brandon residents interested in serving on the five-person committee, which would be a subcommittee of […]

Building Sustainability, Climate Change Resilience of Cities

RELIEF WEB 05/02/18 UN Economic and Social Council Economic and Social Council 2018 Session, 22nd & 23rd Meetings The Economic and Social Council today heard from urban development and sustainability experts including mayors and other public officials focused on building resilient cities, as it continued its 2018 integration segment. Yousef […]

Love in a Time of Hate

LOVE IN A TIME OF HATE 05/02/17 By Hanna Schott    The Story of André and Magda Trocmé and the Village that Said No to the Nazis Love in a Time of Hate tells the gripping tale of Magda and André Trocmé, the couple that transformed a small town in […]

Confronting America’s Misguided Drone Program

THE NATIONAL INTEREST 05/01/17 By Daniel L. Davis The use of armed drone warfare by the United States has proliferated since 9/11. Advocates of the program say it is essential to American national security. These claims are far from convincing—more on that below. What gets very little examination one way […]

Nello Yemen gli Stati Uniti intensificano i raid contro Al Qaeda

INTERNAZIONALE 03/08/17 Gli Stati Uniti hanno rafforzato la loro campagna di bombardamenti contro Al Qaeda nella penisola araba (Aqap) per eliminare i jihadisti dallo Yemen. Da alcuni giorni le forze statunitensi hanno moltiplicato i raid aerei nel sud del paese, al confine tra le province di Shabwa, Abyan e Al […]

Yémen : l’offensive des Etats-Unis contre les djihadistes

LE MONDE 03/08/17 Par Aymeric Janier Bien décidé à extirper du Yémen le cancer djihadiste dont il souffre, Washington intensifie sa campagne de bombardements contre Al-Qaida dans la péninsule Arabique (AQPA). Depuis plusieurs jours, les forces américaines multiplient ainsi les frappes aériennes, notamment dans le sud du pays, à la […]

Trump Turns Apolitical Mennonites into Protesters

MCCLATCHY 03/08/17 By Alex Roarty Mary Beth Martin and Lindsey Martin Corbo each held one side of the large cardboard poster, the mother and her adult daughter eager to deliver a personal if unconventional message to their congressman, Republican Rep. Lloyd Smucker. “Hey Smucker,” said the sign, written in red, […]

A Town Hall Grows in Brooklyn

amNY 02/24/17 By Mark Chiusano Rep. Yvette Clarke’s progressive approach to the town hall chaos around the nation. A town hall in Brooklyn. Some 800 people pack into Union Temple to speak to their congresswoman. At capacity, more constituents are told to go across the street to the Brooklyn Public Library’s […]