Quotes in Press

Five Best Friday Columns

THE WIRE 08/15/14 By David Ludwig Elizabeth R. Beavers and Michael Shank in The New York Times on why American police forces are too militarized. Beavers and Shank write that the reaction to protests in Ferguson after the death of Michael Brown demonstrate that U.S. police forces have been over-equipped […]

What Can Washington Do About Militarized Police Forces?

CBS NEWS 08/15/14 By Stephanie Condon Washington lawmakers let out a collective gasp on Thursday after seeing startling images of police officers decked out with combat gear and tanks to respond to largely peaceful protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. While there may have been some looters and violent individuals among the […]

Ferguson and the Militarization of Police

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 08/14/14 By Paul Shinkman An image of a camouflaged man in Ferguson, Missouri, training a sniper rifle on a group of protesters with their hands up has forced Americans to ask themselves what kind of protection they’re willing to tolerate. The growing militarization of domestic […]

Ebola Research Flows Away From Poor: Other Views

USA TODAY 08/06/14 Steven Hoffman and Julia Belluz, Vox.com: “Ebola will continue to move through Africa — this time, and again in the future — not only because of the viral reservoirs and broken health systems specific to the continent. There are much larger issues at play here. … Most […]

Your Neighborhood Is About to Look a Little More Like Afghanistan

POLICYMIC 06/10/14 By Tom McKay The news: As the United States concludes its messy wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the military is finding itself left with vast armories of powerful military hardware designed for the streets of Baghdad and Kabul. In order to avoid sending billions of dollars of equipment […]

TTIP Will Only Be to The Benefit of Industries

RUSSIA TODAY 05/19/14 Most of the working groups involved in trade negotiations are represented by industries and such biased approaches raise concerns over access and the transparency of the whole process, Michael Shank from Friends Committee on National Legislation told RT. “If you want to be a part of the […]

Can TTIP Live up to its Promises?

ATLANTIC 05/09/14 By Neil Thompson The Friedrich-Ebert Foundation invited two opposing speakers to debate the merits of TTIP. An important point to come out of the argument was both agreed it should not be set in stone once signed. It is meant to be a living document, subject to a […]

What in the World? Pieces of Global Opinion

BBC NEWS 05/07/14 By Michael Shank A review of the best commentary on and around the world… Today’s must-read Yemen A nation in dire need of help – Yemen is facing the seemingly impossible task of trying to build a nation torn apart by an “Arab Spring-like revolution”, writes Michael […]