The Hill

3 Ways to Launch a Factory Farm Divestment Movement

THE HILL 06/17/20 By Michael Shank It’s time for a global divestment campaign against the factory farming industry. It has now proved itself to be as harmful to human health as the fossil fuel industry. While air pollution is prematurely killing 7 million humans annually — for which fossil fuels, […]

It’s Time to Shut Down Industrial Animal Farming

THE HILL 06/03/20 By Michael Shank and Former US Congressman Michael Honda While governments act aggressively to save lives, stop any further spread of COVID-19, and reopen their economies, let’s not wait to prevent the next virus. More will come. Pandemics are picking up their pace. Thankfully, prevention is entirely […]

Electric Cars Are Here to Stay — Despite What the Oil Industry Thinks

THE HILL 05/08/20 By Michael Shank Thanks to a new study by Harvard University – that there’s a clear link between long-term exposure to air pollution and higher COVID-19 death rates, there’s yet another reason to electrify our transportation. (As if 50,000 Americans dying prematurely every year from transportation emissions […]

Our Climate is Not For Sale

THE HILL 10/07/18 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Hank Johnson As President Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency drops “climate change”, and its impact on children, from its latest rule on hydrofluorocarbons, it is time to talk honestly about science. Americans are busy working, taking care of their kids and loved […]

CEOs and Celebrities Have Also Made Climate Change a Priority

THE HILL 09/13/18 By Michael Shank and Former US Congressman Michael Honda The latest frightening climate study, predicting a devastating rise in sea levels in the lifetimes of babies born today, isn’t generating the sense of urgency that it should. Many more people need to be alarmed and engaged and […]