Huffington Post

Tale of Two Conventions: Why Charlotte Wins Over White Tampa

Huffington Post 09/06/2012 By Michael Shank Being here in Charlotte, North Carolina, for the 2012 Democratic National Convention, having watched the Republican National Convention religiously on television, one thing that is explicitly different between the two national conventions is the diversity of delegates. Walking the convention hallways, the arena stairways, […]

When Amish Mennonites Vote Republican, What Would Jesus Think?

Huffington Post 08/23/2012 By Michael Shank In pursuing politics in Washington, and as a former senior congressional staffer, I am the odd one out in my extended family: many, if not most, of my relatives are farmers, preachers or teachers. At family reunions, consequently, like the one I recently returned […]

Why the Gun Control Debate Doesn’t Do Justice to Colorado Killings

Huffington Post 07/20/2012 Al Jazeera 07/21/2012 By Michael Shank Why must the tragic Colorado theater shootings stimulate a debate on more than mere gun control? Not simply because, or however remarkable the fact that, violent mass killings — whether in Columbine, Virginia Tech or now Aurora — tend to have […]

Can Washington Ever Welcome a Nonviolent Muslim?

Huffington Post 06/04/2012 By Michael Shank CBS News’ 60 Minutes recently produced a show about Turkish Muslim scholar Fethullah Gulen, spurred by concern about the so-called Hizmet movement’s alleged connection to a growing network of high performing and nationally ranked charter schools in the U.S. These schools rank in Newsweek’s […]

America’s Next Move in Afghanistan Must Be a Non-Military One

Huffington Post 06/01/2012 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Michael Honda (D-CA) With NATO’s recent meeting in Chicago building consensus on critical next steps vis-a-vis anticipated withdrawals and deadlines, discussion of the development agenda post-withdrawal in Afghanistan must not slip from our radar screen. The truth is that development in […]