Huffington Post

GAO Says No Pentagon Audit: Why Aren’t Republicans and Rep. Issa Irate?

Huffington Post 01/24/2013 By Michael Shank No matter how much Congress softens the sequestration’s austerity footprint, everyone in government will have to nip-and-tuck in order to balance budgets. And that will include the Pentagon — something that Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel and even the Bowles-Simpson commission support. We […]

NRA Response to New Jersey Shooting of 3 Police Officers: More Guns?

Huffington Post 12/28/2012 By Michael Shank That three New Jersey police officers were shot today, by a suspect being processed for a completely unrelated domestic incident, pokes holes in the National Rifle Association’s remedy for gun violence in America. How would the NRA, who suggested after the Sandy Hook shooting […]

DC Council Chair Scuttles Critical Effort to Employ Ex-Offenders

Huffington Post 12/06/2012 By Michael Shank and Lindsay Schubiner The greatest legacy of Marion Barry, as city council member of the District of Columbia, could’ve been his latest ex-offender bill, which was shot down this week by fellow Democrat on the council Phil Mendelson. Chairman Mendelson, using procedural tactics, never […]

Amish Mafia Shows Deplorable Depths of Discovery Channel

Huffington Post 12/03/2013 By Michael Shank If anyone thinks that the Discovery Channel is about actual discovery of, say, science, history, space, or tech, as their website claims, think again. Or if you think that its sister company, The Learning Channel (TLC), is about learning new insight or information, you […]

Need a Thoughtful, Efficient Legal Immigration Process

AL JAZEERA 11/21/12 Huffington Post 11/26/2012 By Michael Shank and Sonia Manzano No longer can the President of the United States defer dealing with immigration. While it was barely a campaign issue, for America to continue avoiding comprehensive immigration reform is plainly inexcusable. When President Obama takes up immigration reform […]

DC’s Gaping Wound: Income and Education Gaps Are Gutting Mobility

Huffington Post 11/15/2012 By Michael Shank Of the two rivers that cup our nation’s capital — the Potomac and the Anacostia — the latter of the two is, perhaps, the most apt reflection of where America is at socio-economically. The Anacostia River, the Anglicized namesake of which was first officially […]

The Top 3 Security Threats the UN General Assembly Must Address

Huffington Post 09/28/2012 Al Jazeera 09/30/2012 By Michael Shank The riots across the Muslim world give warning to something much direr than a diplomat’s death, however deplorable the Benghazi tragedy. What we say, do, and eat has global implications, and on these three major security frontiers we must do better: […]