HUFFINGTON POST 04/13/16 By Michael Shank and Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo In April, twenty five years ago, Pope John Paul II wrote “Centesimus Annus,” an encyclical very similar to Pope Francis’s much-heralded “Laudato Si’”. Both encyclicals addressed the rampant exploitation of people and the planet. Both called for justice. Both […]
Huffington Post
Food, Fashion, and Family Planning: The Final Carbon Frontier?
HUFFINGTON POST 04/05/16 By Michael Shank Cutting greenhouse gas emissions from our personal carbon footprint will put all of us in some new, and potentially uncomfortable, situations as we move to more sustainable lifestyles. While it’s culturally acceptable to go green in the lightbulb and light transit categories, other conversations […]
The NYC Security Risk That Candidates Aren’t Discussing
HUFFINGTON POST 1/29/16 By Michael Shank Americans are slowly, but surely, becoming more familiar with, and fearful of, acts of terror. “Terrorism” dominates the presidential campaign debates with few other policy topics getting such prominence. Yet with all of the front runners’ hometown familiarity with one of America’s most frequent […]
The Missing Ingredient in UN’s 2030 Global Goals
HUFFINGTON POST 1/14/16 By Michael Shank The United Nations recently brokered two historic agreements, applicable to every person on this planet: In September, the UN launched the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide the UN’s work over the next 15 years, and, in December, the UN created a roadmap […]
The Noxious Origins of NYC Gentrification: Cooking Gas
HUFFINGTON POST 12/18/15 By Michael Shank Keeping landlords honest in New York City – or New York State, for that matter – is not an enviable task, given how common the less-than-honest ones are, but it’s a job that nonetheless falls squarely in the laps of city and state officials. […]
‘Sanctuary Cities’ Bill on Senate Floor Unsafe and Unwise
HUFFINGTON POST 10/20/15 By Michael Shank and Lindsay Schubiner This month, North Carolina state lawmakers voted to prohibit so-called sanctuary ordinances in cities and counties throughout the state. While a sanctuary ordinance may sound esoteric enough, the reality is much more harsh. Among the myriad consequences, under the new law […]
Vatican Mayors Summit Spots Pope on Municipal Pulpit
HUFFINGTON POST 07/21/15 By Michael Shank Rarely am I inspired by a piece of writing so revolutionary that it cuts through the hubris and cacophony of contemporary society. Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, did that for me. There is hardly a more widely and recently distributed piece of literature that […]
Kentucky Coal Country’s Clean Tech Makeover
HUFFINGTON POST 07/17/15 By Michael Shank When most people think about Kentucky, clean tech and climate change aren’t the first words that come to mind. Most of the chatter about this coal state is that it’s recalcitrant when it comes to acting on climate change. And while some of that […]
USDA Does Diets Differently, Moves Off Meat
HUFFINGTON POST 07/07/15 By Michael Shank With the United States Department of Agriculture announcing meat substitutes in school lunches nationwide, replacing meat with equally protein-rich alternatives, we’re starting to witness a sea change in national dietary guidelines. And it’s about time. Our current approach to diets is unsustainable. Federally appointed […]
Albany Gets “F” for Failing to Protect Tenants
HUFFINGTON POST 06/17/15 By Michael Shank New York City is infamous for its unaffordable and undignified housing. Not only is the city’s housing a clear and present danger to residents, as I’ve detailed before, but renters in Manhattan pay, on average, over $4,000 a month. This is untenable for the […]