Fast Company

3 Tangible Ways to Engage Your Community and Tackle Big Problems

FAST COMPANY 12/20/22 By Michael Shank From Amsterdam to Cleveland, cities are experimenting with tactics that bring community members into the conversation and empower them to make positive change. As more people migrate to urban areas at risk of climate disaster, cities are increasingly thinking and working outside the traditional […]

It’s Time to Reshape the Food Pyramid to Save the Climate

FAST COMPANY 03/09/21 By Michael Shank Now that Tom Vilsack is back at the helm at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for his second stint as secretary, receiving Senate confirmation last month, he’s been promoting conservation and a new bank to convince farmers to support climate action by paying […]

More Recycling Can’t Fix The Fundamental Flaws With Fast Fashion

FAST COMPANY 04/24/18 By Michael Shank and Maxine Bedat Everyone in fashion is talking about “circularity,” but just focusing on reuse isn’t enough to lower the industry’s massive carbon footprint. Imagine if every piece of clothing you own could be recycled into fully new garments when they were worn out, […]

Every Purchase You Make Is A Chance To Vote With Your Wallet

FAST COMPANY 04/05/17 By Michael Shank and Maxine Bédat  You may not realize it, but you have a lot of political power–not at the voting booth, but in the checkout line. In this new age of consumer activism, buyers are sending strong signals to American companies–with impressive results. No longer […]

There Is A Major Climate Issue Hiding In Your Closet: Fast Fashion

FAST COMPANY 11/11/16 By Michael Shank and Maxine Bedat Disposable clothes, often made from oil, in factories powered by coal, and shipped around the world, mean that the apparel industry contributes 10% of global emissions. This month as world leaders meet in Morocco to discuss implementation of the Paris climate […]