HUFFINGTON POST 10/13/16 By Michael Shank This month, the Obama Administration decided to refrain from bailing out the health insurance industry. In doing so, the U.S. Department of Justice dismissed multimillion-dollar lawsuits from two big healthcare insurers, a move that would’ve circumvented Congress and was roiling Republicans who were threatening […]
National Analysis
Pardon Edward Snowden
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 09/16/16 By Michael Shank Patriots come in all shapes and sizes, not just in American uniforms. Laudable service to your country can, and should, include caring for the “least of these,” protecting the environment and volunteering locally. Those are all equally important ways one can […]
The Path To Clean Energy Requires An Energy-Storage Revolution
FAST COMPANY 09/15/16 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Mike Honda With the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s announcement this month that, in no uncertain terms, climate change played a pivotal role in Louisiana’s unprecedented rainfall and catastrophic flooding, it’s clear that, as a nation, we must take notice. […]
California Is Going Nuclear-Free, Which Means Everyone Else Can, Too
FAST COMPANY 6/21/16 By Michael Shank A historic deal to replace the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant with renewable energy could be a model for the rest of the country. There are few fuels that are causing more consternation in the environmental community than nuclear power. It’s seen by some as […]
Trump Should Take a Lesson From the Pope on How to Lead
FORTUNE 06/07/16 By Michael Shank He might actually yield a higher ROI by trying an alternative approach. Over the weekend, Pope Francis made a political statement inside the Vatican that has direct bearing on the U.S. presidential landscape: “Politics is one of the highest forms of charity.” Noting that we […]
How Beyonce’s ‘Ivy Park’ Label Should Solve Sweatshop Scandal: Switch Suppliers
HUFFINGTON POST 5/26/17 By Michael Shank and Maxine Bedat Beyonce’s label, Ivy Park, launched in collaboration with British fast fashion company Topshop, is quickly falling short of her stated goal to “celebrate every woman and the body she’s in while always striving to be better”. Not every woman is being […]
We’re Fiddling as the Climate Burns
USA TODAY 04/19/16 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Michael Honda The elites are aflutter about the climate crisis. Here’s how to get more people alarmed and engaged. The latest frightening climate study, predicting a devastating rise in sea levels in the lifetimes of babies born today, isn’t generating the […]
What Do We Mean When We Say “Clean Energy”?
FAST COMPANY 04/08/16 By Michael Shank and Leilani Munter We need to stop using natural gas and nuclear on our way to truly clean power. We now know how extensively and dangerously oil industry giants, such as ExxonMobil, sowed doubt in the American mind regarding the existence of global warming, […]
Food, Fashion, and Family Planning: The Final Carbon Frontier?
HUFFINGTON POST 04/05/16 By Michael Shank Cutting greenhouse gas emissions from our personal carbon footprint will put all of us in some new, and potentially uncomfortable, situations as we move to more sustainable lifestyles. While it’s culturally acceptable to go green in the lightbulb and light transit categories, other conversations […]
Proof Nuclear Energy Is a Huge Security Risk
FORTUNE 03/08/16 By Michael Shank It’s time to rethink what constitutes “clean energy” Nuclear energy is not the answer to America’s necessary clean energy transition. It’s an expensive, dirty, and dangerous fuel, which is why seven electrical engineers at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) noted, last week, significant safety […]