National Analysis

This Earth Day is Different

THE HILL 04/22/08 By Michael Shank and Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) Earth Day, for some, is comparable to a sacred holiday, reminding us to tread carefully on nature’s hallowed ground. For others, Earth Day serves as a starter on the basics of recycling and light-bulb changing. Regardless of the myriad […]

Bali Confirmed the Shift: Nation Is On Board Now

RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH  02/22/08 By Michael Shank and US Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) It’s missing the point to think about the United Nations climate change conference in Bali last December based upon on whether specific targets were agreed upon or not. This point ignores dramatic historical changes in the world concerning […]

High Stakes in Effort to Sink Gilchrest’s Canoe Diplomacy

THE HILL 02/06/08 By Michael Shank In the article “Club for Growth goes after Gilchrest with ad buy” (Feb. 1), caustic conservatives, wielding a weighty $590,000 in television ad spending, queue to attack Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (R-Md.) prior to Maryland’s Feb. 12 GOP primary. Those in Washington favoring a deliberative […]

Congress’s Goals on CAFE, Biofuels Don’t Go Far Enough

THE HILL 12/06/07 By Michael Shank Coinciding with the United Nations climate change conference in Bali this week, Congress remains mired in energy bill deliberations. And it appears that foreign leaders abroad are the more formidable fighters against global warming. In the article “New groups get in ring as energy […]

Steer Concerned Celebrities Instead of Stifling Them

FINANCIAL TIMES 11/01/07 By Michael Shank Sir, Gideon Rachman (“The aid crusade and Bono’s brigade”, October 30) has it right: it is better to have rock stars roiling for debt relief than resorting to hotel room romping. Yet Mr Rachman sides with the cynics on celebrity campaigning by taking issue […]

Pioneers Can Secure Our Future

RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH 09/13/07 By Michael Shank and US Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) Russia, Canada, and the United States are rushing to the North Pole in a pioneer-like land grab for an estimated 25 percent of the world’s unknown oil and gas reserves. One wonders when we will learn. Oil and […]

Wal-Mart is Walking the Walk on Sustainability

FINANCIAL TIMES 09/12/07 By Michael Shank Sir, With reference to “Soft soap? Why the greening of Wal-Mart may hinder the way to a sustainable world” (September 10): it should be a soft sell for the unconverted. Preaching with no less flair than a southern Baptist preacher, Arkansas’ Wal-Mart is leading […]

Socially Irresponsible Investing

THE MENNONITE Vol. 7, No 11, June 04 By Michael Shank When a financial services firm such as Mennonite Mutual Aid (MMA), a company committed to socially responsible investing, makes investment decisions, they rely on a philosophy of stewardship for guidance. The firm’s philosophy is guided by a set of […]