MEDIUM 09/23/15 By Michael Shank As Pope Francis arrives in Washington this week, the buzz about what he’ll say to the U.S. Congress and the United Nations is ubiquitous. One need not veer far from what Francis has already summoned in his encyclical, Laudato Si’, to know his exact delivery, […]
National Analysis
Congress Better Listen to the Pope on Climate Change
DAILY BEAST 09/21/15 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Lloyd Doggett Pope Francis is not just pontificating. His urgent message is about preserving human life. One might imagine, or hope, that Congress would experience the historic address of Pope Francis to a joint session later this week as something beyond […]
Senator McConnell’s Climate Attack Betraying Kentucky’s Clean Tech Trends?
MEDIUM 09/08/15 By Michael Shank With the word out that GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is trying to scuttle the Paris climate talks in December, one wonders whether or not the Senator is sensitive to the direction his party, and his people, are headed. Kentucky, the state the Senator […]
Meat Alert
THE HILL 08/31/15 By Michael Shank Announced in the quiet of Congressional recess, new data published this week by Consumer Reports indicates that ground beef often contains bacteria that causes sickness in humans and resists drug treatment. Congress should take note. Fortunately, the United States Department of Agriculture already rolled […]
Kentucky Coal Country’s Clean Tech Makeover
HUFFINGTON POST 07/17/15 By Michael Shank When most people think about Kentucky, clean tech and climate change aren’t the first words that come to mind. Most of the chatter about this coal state is that it’s recalcitrant when it comes to acting on climate change. And while some of that […]
USDA Does Diets Differently, Moves Off Meat
HUFFINGTON POST 07/07/15 By Michael Shank With the United States Department of Agriculture announcing meat substitutes in school lunches nationwide, replacing meat with equally protein-rich alternatives, we’re starting to witness a sea change in national dietary guidelines. And it’s about time. Our current approach to diets is unsustainable. Federally appointed […]
Climate Change Denial – The Dangerous Lie
THE HILL 06/17/15 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Hank Johnson It is time to talk honestly about science. Americans are busy working, taking care of their kids and loved ones and trying to save for the future. It is understandable that many do not have time to read academic […]
Texas Flood’s Climate Change Irony
USA TODAY 05/27/15 By Michael Shank The state is actually leading the nation in green energy. From devastating droughts to flash floods, it seems that Texas can’t get a break from extreme weather associated with climate change. Emerging recently from a multiyear record-breaking drought, with reservoirs at near record lows, […]
Confronting Homeland Security’s ‘SSSS’ Watch List
HUFFINGTON POST 05/21/15 By Michael Shank It’s official. The Department of Homeland Security has placed me on a travel watch list. Every time I travel abroad, I now have “SSSS”, which stands for Secondary Security Screen Selection, on my boarding documents. That means I get an extra rigorous full-body screening, […]
Global Warming Threatens R.I.
PROVIDENCE JOURNAL 05/01/15 By Michael Shank and US Congressman David Cicilline Global warming is happening, here and now. Its impact is already being felt in coastal states like Rhode Island, and greenhouse gas emissions are undeniably responsible. The evidence is all around us. Alarmingly, 2014 was the hottest year ever […]