THE HILL 04/29/13 By Michael Shank and Sabina Dewan The World Bank has always focused on poverty reduction; it is their stated mission to ‘help reduce poverty’. But actually ending it, with a target date, was never their explicit goal, until now. In Washington, at their annual spring meeting last […]
Labor Policy
‘Just Jobs Index’ Launches: What the IMF, World Bank and G20 Won’t Discuss
HUFFINGTON POST 04/21/13 By Michael Shank While the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the G20 meets in Washington DC this weekend to discuss economic growth, a completely different, and much more diverse, group of stakeholders met in Delhi, India, to discuss a model that turns the IMF, World […]
Bill Moyers: Two New Films Address American Poverty
BILL MOYERS 03/10/13 By Michael Shank “One nation, underfed.” That’s the tagline for the new film out by Participant Productions, entitled A Place at the Table, which looks at America’s growing hunger epidemic. Participant Media, which produced Lincoln, The Help and Food Inc., does not disappoint with its latest take […]
A Patriotic Fix for America’s Hunger Epidemic
THE NATION 03/07/13 By Michael Shank One nation, underfed. That’s the tagline for the new film out by Participant Productions, entitled A Place at the Table, which looks at America’s growing hunger epidemic. Participant Media, which produced Lincoln, The Help and Food Inc., does not disappoint with its latest take […]
Need a Thoughtful, Efficient Legal Immigration Process
AL JAZEERA 11/21/12 By Michael Shank and Sonia Manzano No longer can the President of the United States defer dealing with immigration. While it was barely a campaign issue, for America to continue avoiding comprehensive immigration reform is plainly inexcusable. When President Obama takes up immigration reform in 2013, he […]
We Must Revive the American Dream by Alleviating Poverty
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 09/26/12 By Michael Shank David Francis is right to question “Is the American Dream Dead?” (09/25/12). By all accounts, it is. The question, then, is how to revive it. According to this month’s Census Bureau report, America witnessed a 1.5 percent decline in the real […]
German Lessons for US Manufacturing
FINANCIAL TIMES 03/07/12 By Michael Shank and Thorben Albrecht Sir, With reference to your report (“Romney talks China to Ohio”, US Politics & Policy, March 2): if the candidate is looking for manufacturing answers, take a lesson from Germany. Losing 4m jobs over the past 10 years, US manufacturing has […]
Germany’s Lesson for U.S. – Keep Faith With Workers
CNN 02/24/12 By Michael Shank and Thorben Albrecht (CNN) — As Germany continues to rise as lead survivor — and decision-maker — in the European Union’s economic mire, the U.S. would do well to take a lesson from the country’s economic model, particularly in manufacturing. Losing 4 million jobs over […]
Americans Find a Rash of Contradictions in Venezuela
ROLL CALL 03/24/10 By Michael Shank Traveling recently on a Congressional staff delegation to Venezuela, my experience was not too dissimilar from my previous experiences in Syria and Iran. This is not to say that I am aggregating these three states into some kind of axis-of-evil or rogue state conglomerate, […]
Wal-Mart is Walking the Walk on Sustainability
FINANCIAL TIMES 09/12/07 By Michael Shank Sir, With reference to “Soft soap? Why the greening of Wal-Mart may hinder the way to a sustainable world” (September 10): it should be a soft sell for the unconverted. Preaching with no less flair than a southern Baptist preacher, Arkansas’ Wal-Mart is leading […]