HUFFINGTON POST 04/13/16 By Michael Shank and Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo In April, twenty five years ago, Pope John Paul II wrote “Centesimus Annus,” an encyclical very similar to Pope Francis’s much-heralded “Laudato Si’”. Both encyclicals addressed the rampant exploitation of people and the planet. Both called for justice. Both […]
International Analysis
Why Trump’s Foreign Policy Won’t Make America Great Again
MSNBC 04/02/16 By Michael Shank When it comes to foreign policy planning, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is right to introduce an era of unpredictability, which, according to Trump, will be his overarching modus operandi if elected. Just consider America’s security threats: Increased violence by non-state actors and heightened insecurity […]
Because National Governments Won’t, Cities Are Pushing Zero-Energy Buildings
FAST COMPANY 03/25/16 By Michael Shank and Johanna Partin Zero net emissions buildings are finding lots of support from city governments, who see them as ways to save costs—as well as the planet. There is a movement happening all across America that few people are talking about. And while it […]
The Missing Ingredient in UN’s 2030 Global Goals
HUFFINGTON POST 1/14/16 By Michael Shank The United Nations recently brokered two historic agreements, applicable to every person on this planet: In September, the UN launched the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide the UN’s work over the next 15 years, and, in December, the UN created a roadmap […]
Why World Leaders Are Starting to Eat Garbage
TIME 10/02/15 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Raul Grijalva The world wastes more than 1.3 billion metric tons of edible food each year When it comes to tackling climate change, one of the greatest challenges we face is understanding the myriad factors that influence our warming planet. Addressing some […]
Final Frontier on Carbon Emissions: Food
MEDIUM 10/02/15 By Michael Shank With the United Nations serving up a vegetarian luncheon for world leaders this past week, made entirely from food waste, and with Hollywood filmmakers talking about how diets can save the planet, we’re starting to witness a sea change in how we think and talk […]
Why US and Chinese Cities Will Make or Break Any Global Climate Deal
THE CONVERSATION 09/23/15 By Michael Shank Cities are acting ambitiously on climate change and that has big implications for the rest of the planet. Urban officials last week attended the US-China Climate Leaders summit and announced a raft of carbon emissions targets, clean energy partnerships, and initiatives around transpacific climate […]
Vatican Mayors Summit Spots Pope on Municipal Pulpit
HUFFINGTON POST 07/21/15 By Michael Shank Rarely am I inspired by a piece of writing so revolutionary that it cuts through the hubris and cacophony of contemporary society. Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, did that for me. There is hardly a more widely and recently distributed piece of literature that […]
Blessed Are the Climate Advocates
SLATE 05/01/15 By Michael Shank The Vatican and United Nations present the beatitudes of a new movement. This week, while at Vatican City in Rome to manage press for the first-ever meeting on climate change between Pope Francis and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, my faith in a force more […]
Turkey’s Best Asset to Tackle ISIS: Ankara or America?
HUFFINGTON POST 4/17/15 By Michael Shank As Turkish President Recept Tayyip Erdogan made his rounds recently in the Middle East, talking with Iran about ending sectarianism in the region, and with Egypt about freeing political prisoners, he would’ve done well to start at home. There’s much to do, and Erdogan […]