International Analysis

2050 Is Too Late – We Need Carbon Neutrality by 2030

REUTERS 06/09/21 By Michael Shank After years of delays in acting, it’s now time for a radical ramp-up in emissions reductions goals There’s been a lot of postponing on the climate front of late. Some postponing has been understandable: The annual United Nations-facilitated climate talks, for example – known as […]

It’s Time to Reshape the Food Pyramid to Save the Climate

FAST COMPANY 03/09/21 By Michael Shank Now that Tom Vilsack is back at the helm at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for his second stint as secretary, receiving Senate confirmation last month, he’s been promoting conservation and a new bank to convince farmers to support climate action by paying […]

Winning Hearts and Minds for the Clean Energy Transition

EUSEW SECRETARIAT 05/18/20 Dr. Michael Shank Contributing to the blog this week is Dr. Michael Shank, Communications Director for the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance and Adjunct Faculty at New York University’s Center for Global Affairs, EUSEW 2020 Digital Ambassador. The world is waking up to a new reality. Covid-19 makes […]

Virus Highlights Nature’s Right To Be Left Alone

LAW360 04/01/20 By Michael Shank Rights-based advocacy does well in the United States. The right to vote. The right to bear arms. The right to marriage. The right to choose. The right to own property. The fights and freedoms won in the last century were pitched, packaged and positioned as […]

Clean Energy is Not Just Good for the Environment. It Also Prevents War

NEWSWEEK 02/12/20 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Hank Johnson Take oil out of the foreign policy picture, and American presidents would have lacked motive to preemptively attack Iraq, Libya and now Iran. There were equally authoritarian leaders of other countries at the time, operating with even greater propensity toward […]

6 More Tips to Win Minds and Hearts for the Climate

APOLITICAL 1/21/20 By Michael Shank If you’re not sold on your climate message, the public won’t be either This article is written by Dr. Michael Shank, communications director for the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance and adjunct faculty at New York University’s Centre for Global Affairs. In my last article for […]

6 Tips to Make Climate Communication Less Awful

APOLITICAL 01/14/20 By Michael Shank This article is written by Dr. Michael Shank, communications director for the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance and adjunct faculty at New York University’s Centre for Global Affairs. Environmentalists have long depended on good data and sound science to set the direction of their advocacy agendas. […]

Six More Behavioural Science Tips for Green Policymaking

APOLITICAL 12/18/19 By Michael Shank This article was written by Dr Michael Shank, communications director for the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance and adjunct faculty at New York University’s Center for Global Affairs. In my latest article for Apolitical, I covered six behavioural science-based principles that will help you roll out […]