POLITIX 09/16/14 By Michael Shank As the United Nations convenes world leaders this month in New York to discuss ways to reduce global warming, the United States Senate has the opportunity to discuss the most important lever the U.S. government can pull to cool the planet and make our air […]
Africa Needs More From Obama Than Promises
CDN 08/08/14 By Michael Shank WASHINGTON, August 8, 2014 — As the US-Africa Leaders’ Summit concludes with well over $30 billion in commitments from the U.S. government, World Bank and private companies, it is important for President Barack Obama to move beyond the Summit’s primary focus on big business expansion, […]
Military-First is the Wrong Approach Toward Africa
POLITIX 08/07/14 By Michael Shank As President Barack Obama hosts the Africa Leaders’ Summit in Washington D.C. this week, it’s important for the president to put on the front-burner policies that promote peace on the continent. Instead of prioritizing counter-terrorism, resource extractive or aid-only agendas – which is what has […]
Ebola Research Flows Away From Poor: Other Views
USA TODAY 08/06/14 Steven Hoffman and Julia Belluz, Vox.com: “Ebola will continue to move through Africa — this time, and again in the future — not only because of the viral reservoirs and broken health systems specific to the continent. There are much larger issues at play here. … Most […]
Violence or Vaccines: Which Path for US in Africa?
REUTERS 08/06/14 By Michael Shank Africa is the new frontier for the U.S. Defense Department. The Pentagon has applied counterterrorism tactics throughout the Middle East and, to a lesser extent, Central and South Asia. Now it is monitoring the African continent for counterterrorism initiatives. It staged more than 546 military […]
American Energy Policy: Government Must Do What’s Right for the Health of its Citizens
CDN 06/17/14 By Michael Shank WASHINGTON, June 17, 2014 — By almost a two-to-one margin, Americans are willing to pay more for cleaner and greener energy. They are willing to support a candidate who addresses the issue of climate change. This is a very good sign as America approaches mid-term […]
Why Americans Are Ready to Pay More Money for Cleaner Energy
HUFFINGTON POST 06/17/14 By Michael Shank The news last week that Americans are willing to pay more for cleaner and greener energy, by almost a 2-to-1 margin, and are more willing to support a candidate that addresses the issue of climate change is a very good sign, especially as America […]
Embracing Healthier Communities Through Clean Energy
ROLL CALL 06/10/14 By Michael Shank and Rep. Lloyd Doggett When it comes to choosing the right energy to power America’s communities and economies, it’s safe to say that most Americans, if given the option, would choose an energy source much like they might choose a neighborhood in which to […]
TTIP Will Only Be to The Benefit of Industries
RUSSIA TODAY 05/19/14 Most of the working groups involved in trade negotiations are represented by industries and such biased approaches raise concerns over access and the transparency of the whole process, Michael Shank from Friends Committee on National Legislation told RT. “If you want to be a part of the […]
Why Congress Should Care About the Beepocalypse
ROLL CALL 04/08/14 By Michael Shank and U.S. Congressman John Conyers This year, food security is set to suffer another big setback, and the culprit could not be cuter: honeybees. Last winter, America’s beekeeping industry lost nearly half of all its bee colonies. And the numbers keep falling. Last summer, […]