HUFFINGTON POST 04/22/16 By Michael Shank This was a big week for the United Nations, which came out strong on climate and the sustainable development goals and witnessed major milestones in recent months. First, on climate, post-Paris, there were over 160 countries signing the deal at UN headquarters on Earth […]
The Business Argument for Addressing Climate Change
ROLL CALL 04/15/15 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Mike Honda Most Americans know, in general, about climate change. Even those who dispute it have read or heard about rising tides, melting ice caps and superstorms. However, the American people remain largely unaware of how climate change will potentially affect […]
Decent Jobs, Social Justice for All Hold Key to Sustainable Development
UNITED NATIONS 03/30/15 The day’s third panel discussion was entitled, “Voices from the real economy”. Moderated by Michael Shank, Director of Media Strategy, Climate Nexus, and Senior Fellow, JustJobs Network, it featured Nomvuzo Shabalala, Deputy Mayor of Durban, South Africa; Sanjay Kumar, Director, Self-Employed Women’s Association, Bharat, India; Vicenta Trotman, […]
Hottest Year on Record, 2014, Brings Economic Opportunity
HUFFINGTON POST 01/07/15 By Michael Shank and Julia Trezona Peek With 2014 weighing in as the hottest year on record, the window to mitigate global warming rapidly shrinks. It’s time to eliminate the debate that action on climate change will harm economic growth. Climate change, left unaddressed, will decimate our […]
Detroit’s Death Knell? Austerity, Structural Racism, Water Wars
HUFFINGTON POST 11/18/14 By Michael Shank and Peter J. Hammer The post-industrial dystopia emerging on the streets of Detroit may be shocking, but it is not surprising. The crisis results from the convergent forces of fiscal austerity and structural racism in a region defined by its extreme segregation of race, […]
Detroit on the Brink
THE HILL 10/29/14 By Michael Shank and Peter Hammer The post-industrial dystopia emerging on the streets of Detroit may be shocking, but it is not surprising. The crisis results from the convergent forces of fiscal austerity and structural racism in a region defined by its extreme segregation of race, wealth […]
Dirty Energy Dollars
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 10/28/14 By Michael Shank and Julia Trezona Peek Members of Congress should refuse campaign donations from fossil fuel industries. Despite the fact that the American people mobilized in historic numbers last month to demand climate solutions, with the march in New York City drawing up […]
Jobs Index Shows Dismal Outlook for US Workers
ROLL CALL 10/23/14 By Michael Shank and US Rep Steve Cohen (D-TN) This month, the first-ever global ranking of countries based on the quantity — and quality — of their jobs was released. The JustJobs Index uses empirical data to provide workers around the world with a simple answer to […]
Africa Needs More From Obama Than Promises
CDN 08/08/14 By Michael Shank WASHINGTON, August 8, 2014 — As the US-Africa Leaders’ Summit concludes with well over $30 billion in commitments from the U.S. government, World Bank and private companies, it is important for President Barack Obama to move beyond the Summit’s primary focus on big business expansion, […]
Military-First is the Wrong Approach Toward Africa
POLITIX 08/07/14 By Michael Shank As President Barack Obama hosts the Africa Leaders’ Summit in Washington D.C. this week, it’s important for the president to put on the front-burner policies that promote peace on the continent. Instead of prioritizing counter-terrorism, resource extractive or aid-only agendas – which is what has […]