International Herald Tribune/Daily Star Egypt 01/12/2007 Conducted by Michael Shank Now serving his eighth term in the United States House of Representatives, Roscoe G. Bartlett is one of three scientists in the US Congress. In the 109th Congress, Dr. Bartlett served as a senior member of the Science and Technology […]
Author: Michael Shank
The Future of Political Islam in Somalia
Foreign Policy in Focus 01/05/2007 By Michael Shank The United States, fearing a new Taliban had come to power in Somalia, recently did what many expected it would do: invade Somalia. Not directly though. In the final weeks of 2006, Ethiopian forces that were trained, financed, and outfitted by the […]
Israel’s December Report: Three Clues for 2007
International Herald Tribune/Daily Star Egypt 12/28/2006 By Michael Shank Israeli government officials in charge of conducting an end-of-year review cannot be happy. While their mid-year review was equally disappointing, with the loss in Lebanon and lack of international support for Israel’s role in Gaza’s humanitarian crisis, the end-of-year review is […]
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: Retire It or Retool It
International Herald Tribune/Daily Star Egypt 12/14/2006 By Michael Shank With the United States Congress stamp of approval this month on India’s nuclear pursuits, it may behoove world’s leaders to retire the near-defunct Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and start configuring a new regulatory framework. The NPT is on its last breath […]
Taking Stock of Realities on the Ground
Arab News 12/04/2006 By Michael Shank & Patricia Karam With midterm elections ushering in a new Democrat-dominated Congress, US policy on Iraq is likely to change. So far, a number of approaches have been put forth, ranging from increased securitization of Iraq and a concomitant surge in troop levels, to […]
Syria and Iran: To Engage or Not to Engage
International Herald Tribune/Daily Star Egypt 11/17/2006 By Michael Shank As the United States veers from its modus operandi in Iraq and contemplates alliances with Syria and Iran to remedy Iraq’s catastrophic reality, the question of dialogue remains at the fore. Does the US engage, or not engage, in talks with […]
Rebuild Africa by Funding the African Union Mission in Darfur
International Herald Tribune/Daily Star Egypt 11/07/2006 By Michael Shank Last April, in the delegate’s lounge of the United Nations’ headquarters in New York, this columnist met with the Organization of Islamic Conference’s (OIC) permanent observer to the UN, Ambassador Abdul Wahab, to discuss ways in which Arab, Islamic, or African […]
The US Must Engage Somalia Now, Before the Horn Blows
International Herald Tribune/Daily Star Egypt 11/05/2006 By Michael Shank and Khadija Ali Unlike the Middle East, which is frequented by senior officials from the United States government, when it comes to Africa, the US prefers to send its second-in-command. This is not new State Department protocol, however, as Congo’s 4 […]
Prejudices, Not Niqab, Stand in the Way of Integration
Arab News 10/20/2006 By Michael Shank Jack Straw’s recent commentary on niqab, or full veil, as a “visible statement of separation and of difference” that “makes it more difficult” for people “to acknowledge each other” signifies the latest in Europe’s embarrassing blunders. Following the pope’s political impropriety, former British foreign […]
Veiled Prejudice
International Herald Tribune/Daily Star Egypt 10/20/2006 By Michael Shank Britain’s ex-foreign secretary’s recent commentary on the Muslim niqab, or full veil, as a “visible statement of separation and of difference” that “makes it more difficult” for people “to acknowledge each other” signifies the latest in Europe’s embarrassing blunders. Following the […]