Author: Michael Shank

Poppy Crop Destruction Drives Farmers Towards Taliban

FINANCIAL TIMES 04/12/08 By Michael Shank Sir, With reference to your report, “US seeks Afghan heroin action” (April 5/6): the American proclivity for short-term, high-visibility gains precludes, yet again, sound strategy. Aerial spraying does not constitute an effective poppy eradication programme. Critically, this counter-narcotics strategy ignores the demand side. If […]

Strategic Arts-Based Peacebuilding

PEACE & CHANGE: A JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH Vol. 33, Issue 2, April 08 By Michael Shank and Lisa Schirch Podcast of the Article Abstract The arts offer peacebuilders unique tools for transforming intractable interpersonal, intercommunal, national, and global conflicts – tools that are not currently prevalent or available within […]

U.N. Security Council Must Act Preemptively – on Climate Change

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR 03/24/08 By Michael Shank and Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) The United Nations tackled the task of troubleshooting climate change last month. Between holding special General Assembly meetings at headquarters in New York, bringing 100 environmental ministers to Monaco in the largest meeting of ministers since Bali, and […]

Bali Confirmed the Shift: Nation Is On Board Now

RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH  02/22/08 By Michael Shank and US Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) It’s missing the point to think about the United Nations climate change conference in Bali last December based upon on whether specific targets were agreed upon or not. This point ignores dramatic historical changes in the world concerning […]

Forum Addresses Global Climate Change

GMU Broadside 02/18/2008 By Dan Abernathy George Mason University is no stranger to the color green. Anyone looking at the university colors – which happen to be green and gold – or the lush forestry surrounding our campuses can see the evidence. So it is no surprise that one of […]

Afghan Domestic Opinion Neglected in Ashdown Plan

FINANCIAL TIMES 02/15/08 By Michael Shank Sir, Paddy Ashdown still does not get it. His three-pronged policy prescription for Afghanistan (“A strategy to save Afghanistan”, February 13), while meritorious on many levels, nowhere implies consultation with Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai. This approach, unfortunately, is consistent with years of interventionist neglect […]

Gilchrest’s Defeat a Loss for Congress

Baltimore Sun 02/15/2008 By Michael Shank Not only did the 1st District lose a congressman our Founding Fathers would have been proud of, but Congress lost a representative any democracy would be proud of (“Change-minded electorate ousts Wynn, Gilchrest,” Feb. 13). Rep. Wayne T. Gilchrest was a rare breed on […]

High Stakes in Effort to Sink Gilchrest’s Canoe Diplomacy

THE HILL 02/06/08 By Michael Shank In the article “Club for Growth goes after Gilchrest with ad buy” (Feb. 1), caustic conservatives, wielding a weighty $590,000 in television ad spending, queue to attack Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (R-Md.) prior to Maryland’s Feb. 12 GOP primary. Those in Washington favoring a deliberative […]

Accountability in Indonesia

Washington Post 02/02/2008 By Michael Shank The death of Indonesia’s former president Suharto reminds us of the end of a bloody era, but a more pernicious foreign policy practice persists: that of American alliances with military dictatorships [“Indonesia’s Despotic ‘Father of Development,’ ” news story, Jan. 28]. That Mr. Suharto […]

Running Low

The Economist 02/01/2008 By Michael Shank SIR – America will not adopt constraints on its emissions when a new president is inaugurated (“Get the price right”, January 19th). The momentum in Washington is simply not there. Last year’s energy legislation was passed by a Democratic Congress, which failed to eke […]