Author: Michael Shank

America’s Lawmakers in Libyan Quagmire

THE GUARDIAN 07/02/11 By Michael Shank With Republicans and Democrats alike split, confusion reigns over two crucial issues: war powers and R2P. It’s time for clarity Last week, as the US Senate picked up the Libya debate where the House of Representatives left off, it was apparent that Libya has […]

100 Days in Libya and Counting

The Atlantic 06/27/2011 By Conor Friedersdorf Thoughts on the conflict as it reaches a milestone the American people never expected 1) The NATO campaign in Libya turns 100 days old today. It’s as good a time as any to ask about the end game. Is Muammar Qaddafi going to retain […]

Congress vs. The President on War Powers

Salon 06/25/2011 By Glenn Greenwald “Broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake” — President Barack Obama, March 28, 2011, describing to the nation the U.S’s role in the War in Libya (more than a week after he began it). “The White House strongly denied Tuesday […]

Despite Vote, Majority of Congressmen Want to Defund the Libya War

Foreign Policy Magazine 06/24/2011 By Josh Rogin Obama administration officials are claiming a partial victory today because the House rejected a measure to defund the Libya war, even after rejecting a separate measure that would have authorized the war. But the numbers don’t tell the whole story. Secretary of State […]

Why West Needs Turkey

Arab News 06/16/2011 By Michael Shank America has yet to figure out whether Turkey is friend or foe. With conflicts in Libya and Afghanistan, and tsunamis in Japan and Indonesia, Turkey’s generous military and aid contribution pleases Washington. With Armenia, Israel and Iran, however, Turkey spurns Washington for refusing the […]

Hill Staffers Hang with Mandy Moore in Africa

Politico 06/15/2011 By Caitlin McDevitt Spotted in Cameroon: A few congressional staffers spending some time with Mandy Moore. A delegation from the Hill joined the pop singer, who’s a PSI ambassador, to learn about a nationwide initiative to combat malaria with insecticide-treated mosquito nets. Seated next to Moore (a brunette […]

Why Washington Must Look to Ankara

THE HILL 05/17/11 By Michael Shank America has yet to figure out whether Turkey is friend or foe. With conflicts in Libya and Afghanistan, and tsunamis in Japan and Indonesia, Turkey’s generous military and aid contribution pleases Washington. With Armenia, Israel and Iran, however, Turkey spurns Washington for refusing the […]

Islam’s Nonviolent Tradition

THE NATION 04/27/11 By Michael Shank This article appeared in the May 16, 2011 edition of The Nation. As the world witnesses revolution erupting throughout North Africa and the Middle East and watches autocrats give way to people power, there is increasing fascination in the West with the nonviolent nature […]

Why Washington Must Look to Ankara

THE GUARDIAN 05/15/11 By Michael Shank Turkey’s economic strength and diplomatic stature are growing fast. The US needs to nurture closer ties. America has yet to figure out whether Turkey is friend or foe. With conflicts in Libya and Afghanistan, and tsunamis in Japan and Indonesia, Turkey’s generous military and […]

Obama Pledges to Help Egypt Transition to Democracy

CTV News 02/11/2011 By News Staff With the stunning news Friday that Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak has officially stepped down and the military has taken over, many are watching to see exactly what role the U.S. will play in ushering in a new government. U.S. President Barack Obama promised […]