Author: Michael Shank

German Lessons for US Manufacturing

FINANCIAL TIMES 03/07/12 By Michael Shank and Thorben Albrecht Sir, With reference to your report (“Romney talks China to Ohio”, US Politics & Policy, March 2): if the candidate is looking for manufacturing answers, take a lesson from Germany. Losing 4m jobs over the past 10 years, US manufacturing has […]

Why the World Bank Needs Jeff Sachs at the Helm

Huffington Post 03/02/2012 Al Jazeera 03/08/2012 By Michael Shank With Robert Zoellick stepping down from the World Bank helm, there is no better time for a development economist with solid on-the-ground and substantial international experience — like Dr. Jeffrey Sachs — to take his place. There are three clear reasons […]

World Bank Needs Jeffrey Sachs

THE HILL 03/01/12 By Michael Shank With Robert Zoellick stepping down from the World Bank helm, there is no better time for a development economist with solid on-the-ground and substantial international experience – like Dr. Jeffrey Sachs – to take his place. There are three clear reasons for this. The […]

Iraq War And Afghan Conflict Harmed The Economy, Study Says

Huffington Post 03/01/2012 By Max Rosenthal WASHINGTON — Defense spending has boomed in the post-9/11 era, creating new jobs and programs to support American military operations around the world. But a new report released last week by the Institute for Economics and Peace says that war expenditures create as much […]

Germany’s Lesson for U.S. – Keep Faith With Workers

CNN 02/24/12 By Michael Shank and Thorben Albrecht (CNN) — As Germany continues to rise as lead survivor — and decision-maker — in the European Union’s economic mire, the U.S. would do well to take a lesson from the country’s economic model, particularly in manufacturing. Losing 4 million jobs over […]

Candidates Should Address Cost 
of Violence in Primary States

THE HILL 02/17/12 By Michael Shank 
and Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) As the Republican candidates head to Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen’s state of Tennessee next month for the Super Tuesday primaries, one topic seems to have escaped their attention entirely: a credible economic cure for what ails the states in […]

New Virginia Gun Law Will Boost Violence, Costs

WASHINGTON TIMES 02/17/12 By Michael Shank By lifting the gun purchase limit, the state of Virginia can expect to see a lifting of its violence limits as well (“Va. Senate votes to repeal one-gun-a-month law,” Web, Feb. 6). Virginia already has one of the highest rates of availability of small […]

Will Republicans Suggest an Economic Cure in Nevada?

AL JAZEERA 02/04/12 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN) As the Republican candidates depart the southeast United States to head to Nevada, one topic seems to have escaped their attention entirely: a credible economic cure for what ails the states where they’re waging their campaigns for president. […]

Mandela, Mahatma, Mother Theresa and my Mom

Politico 02/03/2012 By Michael Shank Most people have a very classic notion of what it takes to be a peacemaker. If surveyed, what likely comes to most people’s minds is someone on the front lines of violent conflict, poverty or extreme injustice, sparing no effort while enduring every trial and […]