Author: Michael Shank

Marion Barry’s Quest to Help Ex-Offenders

WASHINGTON POST 12/05/12 By Michael Shank and Lindsay Schubiner D.C. Council member Marion Barry’s ex-offender bill, which is on the city’s legislative hopper and addresses discrimination by granting employment protections, is needed not only in the District but also across America.  It is needed for an estimated 65 million Americans, […]

Amish Mafia Shows Deplorable Depths of Discovery Channel

Huffington Post 12/03/2013 By Michael Shank If anyone thinks that the Discovery Channel is about actual discovery of, say, science, history, space, or tech, as their website claims, think again. Or if you think that its sister company, The Learning Channel (TLC), is about learning new insight or information, you […]

Pa. GOP Should Take Its Cue From Thad

Intelligencer Journal 11/30/2012 By Michael Shank Will the state of Pennsylvania ever produce another Republican leader on par with Thaddeus Stevens (“Hollywood Thad,” Nov. 21)? The bar is set unquestionably high. Stevens’ adamant promotion of equality and opportunity contrasts starkly with the present Republican Party’s state policy initiatives. Whether it […]

‘Amish Mafia’ is a Shameful, Unrealistic Portrayal of Plain People

WASHINGTON POST 11/29/12 By Michael Shank If anyone thinks that the Discovery Channel is about actual discovery of, say, science, history, space, or tech, as their Web site claims, think again. Or if you think that its sister company, The Learning Channel (TLC), is about learning new insight or information, […]

Congress Can’t Ignore Afghanistan in Budget Talks

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 11/29/12 By Michael Shank A new report shows irresponsible spending by the Defense Department in Afghanistan. This month, hidden amid election excitement, a report was delivered to Congress by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. Likely few in Washington read it. The U.S. war […]

‘Lincoln’: Where was Frederick Douglass?

WASHINGTON POST 11/28/12 By Michael Shank There is much to laud in the recently released film “Lincoln,” and Participant Media, which produced the film, points a principled way forward for fellow filmmakers, and their audiences, who care about social action.  Participant Media is relatively new to Hollywood, but it has […]

GOP, Follow Stevens’ Example

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER 11/28/12 By Michael Shank Will Pennsylvania ever produce another Republican leader on par with Thaddeus Stevens (“‘Lincoln’ lays bare messy reality of process,” Sunday)? Stevens’ adamant promotion of equality and opportunity contrasts starkly with the present state GOP. Whether it is the voter-ID law that would disproportionately impact […]

These Fiscal Cliff Hawks Ought To Be Foreign Policy Doves

THE GUARDIAN 11/26/12 By Michael Shank The occupation of Afghanistan costs US taxpayers $10bn a month, and millions in corruption. Yet Congress is oblivious. This month, hidden amid election excitement, a report was delivered to Congress by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (Sigar). Likely, few in Washington read […]

We Need a Legal Immigration Process Fair for All

FOX NEWS 11/24/12 By Michael Shank and Sonia Manzano No longer can the President of the United States defer dealing with immigration. While it was barely a campaign issue, for America to continue avoiding comprehensive immigration reform is plainly inexcusable. When President Obama takes up immigration reform in 2013 he […]