WASHINGTON POST 02/22/13 By Michael Shank At the corner of Good Hope Road and Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, in Anacostia, a totem pole will rise from a plain patch of vacant ground this spring. It may seem odd that a Native American totem pole was the piece of public […]
Author: Michael Shank
Washington Redskins, Blackskins or Yellowskins?
Huffington Post 02/22/2013 By Michael Shank In downtown Anacostia, on the corner of Good Hope Road and Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave, there are spotlights already pointing to, and waiting for, a totem pole. It is scheduled to arrive this spring. It may seem odd that a Native American totem […]
How Mayor Vincent Gray Is Failing DC Students
DIANE RAVITCH 02/18/13 By Diane Ravitch During Michelle Rhee’s book tour, the nation will hear a lot of claims about the dramatic changes she imposed on the D.C. schools, which qualifies her to export her ideas to the rest of the nation. What should other states and cities seek to […]
Climate Conflict: Positions and Frames Motivating Stakeholder Engagement
DOCTORAL DISSERTATION 02/2013 By Michael Shank Podcast of Dissertation ABSTRACT Researchers and practitioners in the field of conflict analysis and resolution have realized the important contribution environmental conflict plays in the ever-evolving field of conflict theory and conflict practice. Simultaneously, conflict researchers trained in positioning theory, identity theory, discourse and […]
How Mayor Gray Is Failing DC Public Schools
Huffington Post 02/13/2013 By Michael Shank When it comes to forecasting the educational future of District youth, especially for those living in low-income communities, there are some impressive words and initiatives being thrown around by past and present city leadership. Whether it’s Mayor Vincent C. Gray’s “Raise D.C.,” a recently […]
A Truly Radical Approach to School Reform
WASHINGTON POST 02/11/13 By Michael Shank When it comes to forecasting the educational future of District youth, especially for those living in low-income communities, there are some impressive words and initiatives being thrown around by past and present city leadership. Whether it’s Mayor Vincent C. Gray’s “Raise D.C.,” a recently […]
Searching for Affordable Housing in Anacostia
WASHINGTON POST 02/06/13 By Michael Shank This month marks one year since my next-door neighbors in Anacostia moved out. They didn’t want to leave. They left because they couldn’t afford it. It was a single mother and her 15-year-old son, and for the purposes of confidentiality, I’ll call them Roz […]
Missing the Mark on Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy at MLK Avenue
WASHINGTON POST 02/04/13 By Michael Shank As Martin Luther King Jr. Day was celebrated last month with community service ads and intimations in President Obama’s inauguration speech, I wondered, as I do every year, how the nation can commemorate a leader so disingenuously. We will likely do the same during […]
GAO Says No Pentagon Audit: Why Aren’t Republicans and Rep. Issa Irate?
Huffington Post 01/24/2013 By Michael Shank No matter how much Congress softens the sequestration’s austerity footprint, everyone in government will have to nip-and-tuck in order to balance budgets. And that will include the Pentagon — something that Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel and even the Bowles-Simpson commission support. We […]
Gun Bans Aren’t the Only Answer to America’s Violence Problem
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 01/24/13 By Michael Shank With New York State legislature laying down the law on gun control, and with the White House taskforce announcing similar measures, it is clear that the National Rifle Association isn’t ruling this roost—at least at the state legislature and executive branch […]