Author: Michael Shank

Obama Thinks Too Small on Climate Change

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 06/25/13 By Michael Shank Global climate change got little reprieve this week from President Barack Obama’s climate action plan, which was announced on Tuesday. Beyond the expected nods to renewable and clean energy, cuts to fossil fuel subsidies, vague references to international leadership, delegated direction […]

Why Obama Must Go Big on Climate Change

NATIONAL JOURNAL 06/24/13 By Michael Shank President Barack Obama must go big on climate change this Tuesday primarily because there will hardly be a better political moment available to him. If President Obama uses his speech to go soft — with meager caps on carbon emissions, weak investments in renewable […]

5 Reasons Why Obama’s Climate Change Moment Mustn’t Be Missed

HUFFINGTON POST 06/24/13 By Michael Shank President Barack Obama must go big on climate change this Tuesday primarily because there will hardly be a better political moment available to him. If President Obama uses his speech to go soft — with meager caps on carbon emissions, weak investments in renewable […]

Barack Obama’s Africa Trip Misses Military Mission Creep on Continent

HUFFINGTON POST 06/22/13 By Michael Shank and Cassidy Regan This week, as President Barack Obama travels to Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania, he will miss much of America’s mission creep into the African continent. Not merely in the more obvious military interventions into Libya, Mali or Somalia, or military bases […]

Aid Gone Awry in Africa

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 06/19/13 By Michael Shank and Cassidy Regan As the U.S. government gears up to militarize more of the Middle East by arming rebels in Syria, we are witnessing a similar mission creep toward the African continent. Not merely in the more obvious military interventions into […]

Abe Lincoln Impersonator to Teach Kids About the Budget

THE HILL 06/18/13 By Judy Kurtz Don’t be surprised if you happen to spot Abraham Lincoln walking the halls of the Capitol on Tuesday. A former staffer for Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.) will be donning Honest Abe’s signature top hat and beard to teach school kids about the 16th president […]

US Admin and Public Supports IEA Report; Congress Remains Outlier

NATIONAL JOURNAL 06/17/13 By Michael Shank With carbon dioxide atmospheric concentration at 400 parts per million, Science Magazine reporting that the earth is warming much faster than previously thought, and a Government Accountability Office report citing the “high risks” that global warming poses to federal infrastructure and financing, it feels […]

Pinching Pennies, the Lincoln Way

ROLL CALL 06/17/13 By Warren Rojas We’d be willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that most lawmakers remain blissfully ignorant of the nightmarish haggling that goes into composing a nonbinding congressional budget blueprint. Here’s hoping local schoolchildren can stomach the same with a little help from a guy in a […]

Iran’s Election Win Warrants US Sanctions Rethink

HUFFINGTON POST 06/17/13 By Michael Shank and Kate Gould Iran’s presidential elections offered a rare opportunity for the world’s media spotlight to shift from focusing on Iranian officials, donning white lab coats flanked by metallic centrifuges, to the Iranian people. Tens of millions of Iranians headed to the polls to […]

The Iran Opening

POLITICO 06/17/13 By Michael Shank and Wayne Gilchrest U.S.-Iran diplomacy got a boost recently with the White House nomination of Samantha Power as the next U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. While Power, who chaired President Barack Obama’s Atrocities Prevention Board, is not shy about military intervention, her work with […]