USA TODAY 9/23/13 By Michael Shank Focus on African security missing development needs. Last month, at the beginning of a trip to Somalia, my twitter feed started buzzing with breaking news about explosions in Mogadishu. A local rebel group, al-Shabab, claimed credit. Their tactic was fairly unsophisticated: break the Ramadan […]
Author: Michael Shank
Fed Up With Climate Change Apathy
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 09/19/13 By Michael Shank This week, as U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy testified before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power regarding the administration’s climate change policy, there was the palpable absence of constituent opinion. […]
Why Water is Key to Syria Conflict
CNN 09/17/13 By Michael Shank and Emily Wirzba Editor’s note: Michael Shank is director of foreign policy at the Friends Committee on National Legislation. Emily Wirzba is program assistant for Sustainable Energy and the Environment at FCNL. The views expressed are their own. The agreement forged by Russia and the […]
How America Can Prevent Instability in Syria & Help Solve the Civil War
NATIONAL JOURNAL 09/16/13 By Michael Shank and Emily Wirzba What few people in Washington are talking about when it comes to the Syria crisis is the connection to climate change. While it may seem remote and implausible to Washington realists, the connection is clear. What is most disconcerting, however – […]
How Climate Change Sparked the Crisis in Syria
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 09/13/13 By Michael Shank and Emily Wirzba What few people in Washington are talking about when it comes to the Syria crisis is the connection to climate change. While it may seem remote and implausible to Washington realists, the connection is clear. What is most […]
A Callous Disregard for the Law
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 09/11/13 By Michael Shank One of the most disturbing dynamics about President Barack Obama’s speech to the American people and what’s gone down in the last week in Washington – vis-à-vis military strikes in Syria – is the Obama administration’s willingness to break constitutional and […]
Press Pause on the Rush to War
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 09/09/13 By Michael Shank Syria’s welcoming this week of Russia’s proposal to put its chemical weapons under international control should put a pause on the Obama administration’s frenzied full court press this week – vis-à-vis invasion – which includes six television network interviews, a live […]
Why I Oppose Syria Strikes
THE DAILY BEAST 09/05/13 By Michael Shank and US Rep Charles Rangel (D-NY) Instead of getting involved in a costly war, the president should combat poverty, gun violence, and inequality at home. By Rep. Charles Rangel and Michael Shank. America seems increasingly inclined to engage in a new military conflict […]
Arizona Delegation Skeptical of Use of Military Force in Syria
THE ARIZONA REPUBLIC 09/04/13 By Erin Kelly and Rebekah Sanders The Obama administration has no clear support yet among the U.S. House delegation from Arizona on the use of military force against Syria. Rep. Matt Salmon, R-Ariz., said Wednesday that he will vote against a resolution to authorize military action […]
Does the U.S. Have a Moral Imperative in Syria?
WASHINGTON POST 09/05/13 By Michael Shank There are three fallacies floating around Washington regarding a war with Syria, rhetoric that has the potential to dangerously dictate how Congress will determine authorization. A failure to address these fallacies, furthermore, puts us squarely on the cusp of another intractable war, one that […]