Author: Michael Shank

The Dangers of Soft Power

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 04/14/14 By Michael Shank The United States Department of Defense used it recently in Yemen and Pakistan. The U.S. State Department is using it right now in Afghanistan and Nigeria. The U.S. Agency for International Development used it in the last elections in Kenya. It’s […]

Conyers Pushes Bee Protection Bill

POLITICO 04/09/14 By Jenny Hopkinson Pending legislation in the House of Representatives aimed at providing greater protections to pollinators is necessary to ensure a steady food supply and prevent agricultural losses, says Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), sponsor of the measure. In an op-ed in Roll Call, Conyers and Michael Shank, […]

Rwanda: A Country Still in Need

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 04/08/14 By Michael Shank and Innocent Rugaragu Twenty years ago this week, an estimated 1 million Rwandans were killed in that country’s genocide. Needless to say, the post-genocide era has been difficult and pregnant with fears and hopes. Had the leadership at the time – […]

Why Congress Should Care About the Beepocalypse

ROLL CALL 04/08/14 By Michael Shank and U.S. Congressman John Conyers This year, food security is set to suffer another big setback, and the culprit could not be cuter: honeybees. Last winter, America’s beekeeping industry lost nearly half of all its bee colonies. And the numbers keep falling. Last summer, […]

Ukraine Crisis Underscores Need for Renewables Push

CNN 04/07/14 By Michael Shank and Former Congressman Russ Carnahan Editor’s note: Russ Carnahan was a U.S. Representative from Missouri and a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. He is now a partner at Carnahan Global Consulting, a consultancy that also advises firms in the energy sector. Michael Shank […]

A Budget for Working America

THE HILL 04/04/14 By Michael Shank and  Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) To hear corporate America tell it, our economic recovery is going great. The top 1 percent of earners saw their incomes grow by 31.4 percent from 2009-2012. Oil companies are seeing record profits. Unfortunately, that’s not the recovery — […]

How to Defuse the Ukraine Crisis

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 03/31/14 By Michael Shank Returning in March from transatlantic dialogues in Poland and Germany in which I and other policy types from Washington discussed the situation in Ukraine and Crimea with our policymaking counterparts from Warsaw, Berlin and Kiev, there is little question that we […]

Hill Vegetarians Want to Know: Where Are the Lentils?

NATIONAL JOURNAL 03/26/14 By Billy House A little-publicized caucus of Capitol Hill aides—the Congressional Vegetarian Staff Association—is set to convene again Friday as part of its persistent campaign to get better vegetarian food options put on the Capitol eatery menus. Guest speakers at the event in the Capitol Visitor Center […]

Oil Is At The Heart Of The Ukraine Crisis

POLITIX 03/24/14 By Michael Shank For anyone questioning the fundamental energy and resource connection to most geopolitical struggles and conflicts, the West’s wrestle with Russia over Crimea is illustrative of merely the latest energy-related conflict in a long litany of ones. While perhaps not as dramatic as America’s removal 60 […]

Caustic Encounters: Western Demands on Putin Escalate Crimea Crisis

CDN 03/22/14 By Michael Shank WASHINGTON, March 22, 2014 — Returning home last week from Poland and Germany, as part of a United States and European Union transatlantic policymaker conversation on the crisis in Ukraine, Crimea and Russia, as well as other salient U.S.-E.U. issues like trade, climate change and […]